We think that you will find that this site will be different from the rest.  While some very important medical information will be provided, this site is more concerned with looking at the human side of the effects of this disease. What is this disease? Perhaps in an attempt to stay away from the "E" word (emphysema) it is common practice now for the medical profession to loosely refer to asthmatic bronchitis, chronic bronchitis and emphysema or a combination of these as COPD. Emphysema, one of the leading components of COPD,  is generally brought on by long term smoking, yet only about 20 per cent of heavy smokers get emphysema. 

How does it affect quality of life? We do not intend to reinvent the wheel nor to duplicate what is generally available elsewhere.  We will furnish some important links for the COPD patient who may be looking for a support group or a starting place for further research, but we will not provide a multitude of links to other sites.  That is done quite effectively in the few sites which we will reference.

COPD is a very serious disease but it is not an immediate death sentence.  In fact, because of the nature of the disease, many know that they have it for a number of years before it significantly affects their quality of life and they become concerned that "someone" must do something.   When that occurs, one finds that medical assistance runs the gamut from exceptional to useless.  What does not change, however, is that the degree of acceptance and degree to which the COPD patient involves himself or herself in their care will greatly affect the quality of life and ability to cope with the disease.

While we will furnish a number  of puzzles, links, humor, and fun things to make your visit a pleasant one, the meat of this site rests with the personal stories of human experiences as it relates to Living With COPD and the medical information and tips concerning the disease. However, don't be surprised if even the fun things have a touch of COPD truth lurking behind the facade of humor or games.

A couple of navigation hints.  If you visit us again, you can skip to the Table of Contents by clicking on the "Living With COPD" title on the front page.  For first time visitors we recommend you now go to the Table of Contents and plan your visit.

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